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Dr. Motox Treatments
- Consultation
- 1 Area Botox (Frown/Crows Feet)
- 2 Areas (Frown&Forehead/Frown&CrowsFeet)
- 3 Areas (Forehead,Frown & Crows Feet)
- 3 Areas (Forehead, Frown & Crows Feet + Add On)
- Lip Flip
- Lip Augmentation (0.5ml)
- Lip Augmentation (1.1ml)
- Non Surgical Rhinoplasty
- Non Surgical Rhinoplasty (Top Up)
- Tear Trough (Under Eyes)
- Tear Trough Top Up
- Lower Facelift Botox
- Full Facelift Botox
- DAO Botox
- Nostrol Flaring | Exclusive
- Bunny Lines Botox (Nose Wrinkles)
- Gummy Smile Botox Correction
- Masseter/Jawline Slimming Botox
- Underarm/Reduce Sweating Botox
-TMJ | Migraine Botox
- Traptox
- Platysma Neck Bands
- Nose Tip Botox
- Chin Dimpling Botox
- Profhilo (1 Session)
- Profhilo (2 Sessions)
- Profhilo (3 Sessions)
- Area Dissolve
- Chin Filler (1.1ml)
- Cheek Filler (1.1ml)
- Cheek Filler (2.2ml)
- Jawline Filler (2.2ml)
- Jawline Filler (3.3ml)
- Nasolabial Lines (1.1ml)
-Jawline Filler (4.4ml)
- Jawline Filler (5.5ml)
- Botox Top Up
(Full consultation with Dr Motox to discuss your concerns & options available. If there is time at the appointment the treatment may be provided. Otherwise may need to rebook for a future date. If you know what treatment you would like, we would advise booking straight in as you will be given a full consultation as part of the treatment. *Please ensure you are selected Dr Motox as your practitioner when booking)
(Botox can be used to smoothen the frown or crows feet. Clients can tailor this treatment to either have very natural b any botox or a more frozen look. The forehead can not be treated as one area as this will cause headaches in the frown area. If you are looking to book forehead you must book this as two areas)
(This reduces hollowness under the eye, This treatment is not intended for puffiness or pigmentation)
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